17-days study and trekking tour from Krakatau to Bali

Kamis, Mei 23, 2013 |


Sample 17-days itinerary | Itinerary with jungle trekking extension (23 days)

Sample 17-days itinerary

Day 1: Arrival & meeting in Jakarta

Arrival in Jakarta and transfer from Jakarta International airport to a hotel in a lively downtown district of central Jakarta, where you are awaited with a welcome cocktail. In the evening, we meet for group dinner in a local restaurant and discuss the program ahead.
Acc.: : good mid-class hotel in Jakarta (D)

Day 2: Jakarta - transfer to the West coast

Minibus transfer with the group from Jakarta to a beach resort on the W coast of Java, facing the infamous island group of Krakatoa. Delicious lunch in a local Sundanese restaurant on the way. While our tour guide finalizes the preparations for the overnight excursion to Krakatoa, you have the afternoon to do as you wish: opportunity to stroll on the beach, sunbathe, (if the sea is calm) swim, explore local markets etc. If you are curious to see the background preparation, you are welcome to join the guide while shopping for food, inspecting the boat etc.
Acc.: : comfortable hotel / bungalows on beach (B, L, D)

Fishing boats in Labuan harbour West coast beach at sunset

Day 3: Sail to Krakatau volcano

In the morning, leaving most of the luggage in the hotel on land, we leave Carita by private boat and sail (weather conditions permitting) to Krakatoa. After about 2-3 hours sailing, we arrive in the caldera and first inspect the steep cliffs of the remaining islands, left as remnants after the devastating explosion in 1883 that tore the previous island of Krakatoa apart. We then circle the young active volcanic island Anak Krakatoa ("The son of Krakatoa") itself that first emerged in 1929. If activity permitting, we can land on it and build a camp for the night there (if this is not advisable, the camp will be on the opposite island from where Anak Krakatoa can be observed safely).
Lunch on the beach and plenty of time to swim or explore the recent lava flows, desert-like ash fields covered with ejected blocks and bombs, as well as study the rapidly re-growing flora and fauna of the youngest land in S-E Asia. Warm underwater springs near the landing site are a remainder that we stand on a living volcano. For best light, we climb the summit crater of Anak Krakatoa volcano (ca. 300m alt.) in the afternoon (if its activity permits an approach). In the evening and at night, we light a campfire and have an Indonesian barbecue dinner on the beach.
Acc.: : camp on Krakatau (B, L, D)

Hiking up towards the crater of Anak Krakatoa Large blocks on the rim of Krakatoa's crater

Day 4: 2nd day on Krakatau - return to coast

After a hearty breakfast on the beach and perhaps a morning swim and an optional second visit to the crater of Krakatau, we prepare to depart from Anak Krakatoa. Before we leave the caldera, we make a snorkeling stop at a coral reef near the cliffs of Rakata island is made if the sea is calm. Return to Carita and transfer back to the hotel by lunchtime. Rest of day to spend as you please. As optional program, a visit to the nearby volcanologic observation post of Krakatau is offered.
Acc.: : hotel or bungalow on West Coast beach (B, L, D)

Day 5: Transfer to Garut in West Java

After an early breakfast, we leave the W cost in a private minibus and begin the 300km-long travel along a scenic route, reaching the Sundanese town of Garut in the late afternoon (total driving time: 6-8 hours). Garut is a small university town with a scenic backdrop of volcanoes, a nice climate and very pleasant ambience.
Acc.: : good mid-class hotel (B, L, D)

Day 6: Papandayan - Cipanas hot springs

We have a full day around the little university town of Garut, perched in a high plain between several volcanoes: Options include Papandayan volcano, Galunggung and the hydrothermal area near Cipanas with its numerous hot springs.
Papandayan is a particularly rewarding excursion: it erupted spectacularly in 2001 and produced a lateral blast similar to Mt. St. Helens in 1980 which devastated the area and left a bizarre moon-like landscape: ash and block deserts, steaming craters with turquoise lakes, violently hissing fumaroles and sulphur deposits, boiling mud pools, stinking rivers of foul water in different colours, charred trees that were stripped off, un-rooted and buried by recent pyroclastic flows.
Acc.: : as before (Garut) (B, L, D)

Papandayan volcano's crater with its moon-like landscape A large tree unrooted during the last eruption of Papandayan volcano (2001)

Day 7: Scenic train ride to Yogyakarta - Prambanan Temple

An early train (first class) brings us comfortably directly to the beautiful, lively city of Yogyakarta, Central Java's capital, and Java's cultural and spiritual heart. The train ride (about 7-8 hours), an intense cultural experience in itself, passes spectacular landscapes of rice fields and mighty volcanoes in the background. It is considered as one of the most beautiful train rides in Asia. Lunch is served from the train's restaurant.
Upon arrival in Yogya, the famous riskaws will bring us to our friendly, quiet and very comfortable hotel in a central downtown location. The rest of afternoon and the evening is for you to relax at the hotel's swimming pool or start walk around and exploring the city.
Acc.: : very good mid-class hotel in downtown Yogya(B, L, D)

Day 8: Borobodur Temple - Merapi volcano and its surroundings

In the morning, we visit the famous Buddhist Temple of Borobodur, the largest and one of the most famous Buddhist temples in Asia.
Depending on its activity at the time of the tour, this day could be dedicated to observe Java's most active volcano in eruption (possibly at night, involving an early start from Yogya and driving and walking to good viewpoints). If there is no activity at Merapi, other activities in and around Yogya will be decided on the spot, depending on the weather and group's preferences etc.
Acc.: : as before (Yogya) (B, D)

Borobodur temple Merapi volcano in eruption

Day 9: Climb Merapi volcano for sunrise - Transfer to Kelud

The lava dome on the top of Merapi volcano
Before sunrise, we begin our hike to the summit of Merapi volcano (2911 m). The strenous hike will reward us with stunning views over many of Java's other volcanoes, the Indian Ocean and Yogyakarta. The views around are amazing in themselves, but to be right next to the unearthy, demonious creature of what is an active lava dome is something you will never forget. After lunch on the crater’s slope, we descend the volcano’s north slope to Selo and have lunch.
In the afternoon, we drive through scenic landscapes to East Java, where we will stay in a guesthouse near Kelud volcano.
Note: The climb to Merapi's summit can only be done if the activity of the volcano is not to strong. Otherwise, we will do excursions to safe viewpoints in order to observe its activity (such as in Oct 2010).
Acc.: : guesthouse near Kelud (B, L, D)

Day 10: The Tengger massiv - Semeru

Jeep ride through one of the villages on the lower flank of the Tengger massiv
In the morning, before clouds usually set in, we drive on open 4x4 trucks through very scenic landscapes into the Tengger massif from the west. We spend the night in a simple guesthouse in Ranu Pani village at the foot of Semeru volcano.
Acc.: : guesthouse near Semeru volcano (B, L, D)

Day 11: First etappe on the trek to Semeru

Accompanied by porters and well-equipped with food, cooking and camping gear, we will start a long (ca. 8-10 hrs), but in most parts easy trek across hills and forests to the beginning of the volcanic rocks and ash wilderness. Finally, we reach a basic campsite below the summit cone of Semeru at around 3000 m elevation. Lunch snacks on the way, and a fully cooked warm dinner at the campsite will keep our energy high.
Acc.: : Camping (B, L, D)

A green lake we pass on our way to Semeru Our camp at the base of  Semeru cone An eruption from Semeru in the afternoon light

Day 12: Climb to Semeru's summit

After a hot tea or coffee, we start well before sunrise to start the final, but demanding climb up the very steep, loose slope of Semeru. As it gets light, the stunning spectacle of the volcano's eruptions gets slowly into sight.
Finally, we will stand on Java's highest top with an incredible view over Java and Bali, with many other volcanic peaks around and below us. A bit further, in fact very close, Semeru volcano's crater belches out its curling clouds of ash. This is a highlight in the true sense of the word, and it will remain as a vivid picture of our trip. Extreme caution, however, must be excercised while being on the summit plateau,- an approach to the the proper crater rim is off-limits - people have died there! After some time spent on or near the summit plateau, we head back to our second camp, near a lake, where we can relax. 
Important note:
Every one climbing Semeru's summit should do this in his/her own full responability, which implies awareness of the volcanic risk at the summit: even during normal conditions, sudden unpredicted larger eruptions can involve the relatively safe summit plateau, and throw deadly rocks and lava bombs at climbers. During periods of heightened summit activity, the decision to limit the time on the summit to a minimum or even to give up the attempt to climb is a wise decision, which our experienced tour leader would take if deemed necessary. Despite this, there will be a rest risk, because Semeru, as all volcanoes, is unpredictable.
You should NOT go further than the summit plateau near the true summit and walk towards the active crater, even if it is tempting and only an easy stroll. And even if you might see some people go even up to the crater rim, don't! You will find tour "guides", tour operators and TV shows bringing you right there, but we think that the risk is unacceptable and we don't understand this need to play hero. In past and recent years, people who didn't find this, have been KILLED, earning Semeru the rank as the deadliest volcano when it comes to fatalities among volcano tourists. Virtually all of these accidents have occurred near the crater rim, and not on the much safer summit plateau.
Acc.: : camping (B, L, D)

Group on Semeru's summit at sunrise Eruption from Semeru from close View onto the Tengger caldera with Bromo volcano from Semeru

Day 13: Hike back to Ranu Pani and 4WD transfer to Bromo

We hike back to Ranu Pani, where we have lunch; afterwards, an adventurous jeep drive will bring us to the village of Cemoro Lawang, crossing the sand sea of the Tengger caldera. In Cemoro Lawang we will take our rooms in a comfortable family-run hotel, located right on the edge of the caldera with spectacular views on Bromo volcano. The rest of the day is free.
Acc.: : comfortable hotel bungalows at the rim of the Bromo-Tengger caldera (B, L)

Day 14: Bromo volcano & Tengger caldera

The smoking cone of Bromo volcano
This day is free for you to spend as you please. Visits to the nearby volcanological observation post of Bromo and, of course, the easy climb to the active crater of Bromo volcano (last eruption: June 2004) crater in the center of the caldera (about 2 hrs round trip on foot; you can also rent horses or take a jeep ride) should not be missed.
Acc.: : as before (Bromo) (B, L, D)

Day 15: Sunrise over the Tengger Kaldera - Transfer to Ijen volcano

Sunrise over the Tengger caldera
For those who feel fit enough to get up early in the morning, a hike or jeep excursion to Indonesia's most famous viewpoint can be arranged: Before sunrise, we drive to the summit of Mt. Pananjakan (2775m) on the E rim of the caldera. The sunrise over the caldera with the steaming peaks of Semeru and Bromo in alignment is a truely unique spectacle. After a relaxed breakfast we drive through scenic landscapes until we reach the Ijen Plateau, another large caldera where we spend the night in the guest-house of a world-famous coffee plantation, founded by the Dutch in the 19th century. Before dinner, a bath in natural hot springs will be an unforgettably relaxing experience.
Acc.: : guesthouse at coffee plantation near Ijen (B, L, D)

Day 16: Kawah Ijen volcano - transfer to Bali

Early in the morning, we drive a short way to the start of the trail that leads up to the beautiful active crater of Ijen volcano (Kawah Ijen) (about 1 hr climbing) with its famous turquoise acid lake (which is the most acid in the world!) and the hot, partly liquid sulphur deposits. The fumaroles are so hot that sulphur comes out as green vapour. The vapour is collected by large pipes, through which the vapor condenses, and at the exit you see red rivulets of liquid sulphur, that then freeze to solid deposits, which are quarried, in order to obtain huge blocks of pure sulphur. Ijen’s sulphur deposits are infamous for the local workers who quarry the sulphur with primitive, health-devastating methods,- an incredibly hard job. Gas-masks are provided for the visit to the crater.
After plenty of observation time, we leave the Ijen Plateau and drive down to the coast facing Bali, where we have a good lunch in a nice restaurant overlooking the sea. In the early afternoon, we embark on a ferry, cross the busy waterway (about 1 hr) and within about 1,5 hours of driving, we have reached one of Bali’s most beautiful beaches near Lovina. The day is ended in a beautiful pool hotel on the beach, and as the last highlight of the tour, we meet later for a delicious dinner in a beach tavern.
Acc.: : excellent beach hotel on Bali (B, L, D)

Ijen's rich sulphur deposits Local workers carrying baskets with up to 50kg of sulphur blocks up from the crater floor and down the other side. Pool at our hotel on Bali

Day 17: End of tour or extension program on Bali

The tour ends on Bali, for some with an extension on Bali with its paradise beaches, for some already with transport to the airport of Denpasar and connecting flight back to Jakarta airport.
Acc.: : none (B)

Itinerary with jungle trekking extension (23 days)

If you are interested in a non-volcanic, but nevertheless spectacular and very adventurous extension, we suggest to spend 3-5 additional days for sightseing & trekking in the Meru Betiri National park at the SE corner of Java before ending the tour on Bali: The park hosts one of the last remaining pristine jungles on Java. Here is the only remaining habitat of the extremely rare Java tiger as well as many other endangered or protected species such as the giant sea turtle.
The most intense and best way to get to know this hidden gem of Indonesia is to trek along the coast and through rainforest the whole length of the park, from West to East. Parts of the way could be done sailing along the coast with local fisherman. This requires 3-5 days.

Day 1-17: Same as in normal itinerary

Day 18-22: Trekking in the Meru Betiri Natl. Park rainforest tour

5 days extension for trekking along the coast and through the jungle of the remote Meru-Betiri rainforest.
Acc.: : camping and simple guesthouses

Map of the Meru-Betiri Natl. Park Baby turtles are released on the beach

Day 23: Beru-Betiri - transfer to Bali

Pool at our hotel on Bali
On the last day of the jungle extension, you are transferred in the afternoon transfer to Bali.

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